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Foreign policy

Basic Foreign Policy Principles of the Government of Israel, 15 December 1969:

Parliamentary elections took place in Israel on 28 October 1969. The new Cabinet was a continuation of the Government of National Unity. On 15 December 1969, it announced its basic principles. Following are the foreign policy principles:

  1. Foreign policy will be directed towards ensuring the absolute independence of the State, strengthening its security and furthering peace between it and the neighbouring States. The Government will continue to act according to the decisions taken by Parliament and the Government since the Six-Day War.
  2. The vision of peace of the Prophets of Israel – and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more – which has inspired all peaceloving people in the world will continue to guide Israeli policy. The Government of Israel will support any step likely to further peace and bring about general and complete disarmament and the complete abolition of armies under agreed international control.
  3. Israel’s policy in the international arena will be aimed at the promotion of world peace: the ending of aggression and war; the relaxation of tension between States and blocs; the eradication of racial and religious prejudice; the completion of the liberation of nations from colonial rule; the strengthening of international cooperation; the acceleration of the development of States which have not yet achieved economic and social advancement; and the furthering of arms control and of disarmament, including nuclear weapons, through agreed mutual inspection.
  4. The Government will steadfastly strive to attain a lasting peace with Israel’s neighbours founded on peace treaties resulting from direct negotiations between the parties. Agreed, secure and recognized borders will be laid down in the peace treaties.

    The peace treaties will assure cooperation and mutual aid, the solution of any problem that might be a stumbling-block in the path of continuing peace, and the avoidance of any aggression, direct or indirect.

    Israel will continue to be willing to negotiate – without prior conditions on either side – with any of the neighbouring States for the conclusion of a peace treaty. Without a peace treaty, Israel will continue to maintain in full the situation as established by the cease-fire and will consolidate its position in accordance with the vital requirements of its security and development.
  5. The Government of Israel will be alert for any expression of willingness amongst the Arab nations for peace with Israel, and will welcome and respond to any readiness for peace shown by the Arab States.

    Israel will continue to demonstrate its peaceful intentions and explain the clear advantages to all the peoples of the area of peaceful co-existence, without aggression or subversion, territorial expansion or intervention in the freedom and internal regimes of the States in the area. The Government of Israel will persist in manifesting its desire to attain productive cooperation with every State in the Middle East for the economic and social well-being of all the peoples of the area.
  6. Until the nations agree to and implement global disarmament, and peace treaties have been concluded between Israel and its neighbours, Israel will be prepared to propose to them an agreement leading to disarmament, on the condition that mutual and constant inspection of its implementation is assured and that the sovereignty and borders designated in the peace treaties are not infringed in any way.
  7. In its activity in the international arena, the Government will persevere in fostering understanding of Israel’s need to obtain support from the nations of the world and the United Nations against the hostile policy of the Arab States, and to enlist aid for Israle’s security.
  8. Israel regards as a primary aim for mankind the speeding up of the progress of the nations of Asia and Africa which still suffer a substantial disadvantage in the level of their development as compared with the developed countries.

    Israel will support to the limit of its capacity any international action to foster the social and economic freedom of the developing nations, while meticulously respecting their independence and progress.
  9. The Government will work to strengthen the reciprocal relations between the State of Israel and those countries in which Jewish communities reside. It will support efforts to ensure recognition of the right of every Jewish community in every land and regime to national, cultural and religious life without discrimination, and the maintenance of the right of those Jews who so wish to emigrate to their Homeland. The Government will endeavour to secure active international support for the ingathering of the exiles in the State of Israel.
  10. The Government will continue to work for the establishment of friendly ties and mutual relations between Israel and all peace-loving States, irrespective of their internal regime, and without injuring the interests of other nations.
  11. Israel recognizes the right of all nations, small as well as large, to a free national life and political independence. Israel rejects colonialism and will support nations in their struggle for freedom from foreign rule and the establishment of their independent national life.
  12. Israel will not support any aggressive intention or alliance against any nation and will remain faithful to international cooperation with all nations, in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter.
  13. The Government of Israel will be alert to any manifestation of the dangers of anti-Semitism and the revival of Nazism in any country of the world. It will demand that Nazi criminals be brought to trial and punishment: there shall be no statute of limitations for their crimes.
  14. Israel will support the strengthening of the United Nations Organization, for maintenance of its mission as a guardian of peace, the rights of all sovereign nations to be represented among the family of nations, the recognition of the rights to self-defence of any nation under attack, the duty to fulfil the obligations of the UN Charter, such as the eradication of racial discrimination, the conduct of international trade without discrimination, the safe-guarding of the right of free navigation in international waterways and airways, and abstinence from all acts of aggression.